

I found the Pal program was a comprehensive process, looking beyond the diet to the lifestyle and other aspects that affected my weight. It helped me identify my current eating habits, triggers for poor habits and the reasons behind them. Practically, it gave me tools to use to help change these patterns and behaviors in many situations which have previously been difficult. I found the dietary advice practical and easy to follow, I was rarely hungry which helped me to make better food choices and there was lots of tips regarding incorporating the changes into my usual routine. As a person working in the medical field, I found it reassuring that the program used information from high quality scientific research as the basis for the advice that was given.

During the course of the program I lost more than 10kg in 12 weeks and am much happier with my appearance and have noticed improvements in my capacity to exercise. I feel I now have the confidence to use what I have learned to continue my weight loss process.


I had 2 kids and so I wanted to lose my baby weight. I have tried every program out there and was never been able to keep my weight off for very long. I did the Dr Pal Program 2 years ago and have kept my weight off ever since. I look like I did in my 20’s again. I love how easy it was and how much knowledge it gave me in the area of weight loss. I used to be confused but now I know exactly what to need to do to keep my weight on track even when I have the occasional slip ups.


The Dr. Pal Program is a winner. It stepped me through a process which gave me an understanding of why I had to things and the impacts it had on my body, not just my weight. The program also gave me practical tools helping me deal with particular situations and gave me strategies to make better choices, especially where the food and drinks on offer or the environment is more challenging, such as business functions and when travelling. I’ve adjusted my lifestyle in a sustainable way, 22kg lighter and definitely the better for this. My recent annual check-up came back with the best report in 10 years. My GP said simply “Wow…….Congratulations…….. just keep doing what you’re doing!”…….“I’ve got to admit I really do like the complements coming my way. And these are from men and women!”


I first came across Sebely’s program through a friend of mine. My friend appeared to have lost an astronomical amount of weight, but most importantly in my eyes, she has kept it off over a few years. My friend also was the happiest I had ever seen her, not just due to the weightloss, she seemed to have had a big change in her persona.

When I first started the program, I was overweight, inactive, low in confidence, pretty much just an unhappy person. Having seen the success of my friend I was intrigued by the program, and both the physical and mental changes she had progressed through.

I have tried many weightloss programs. I always lost the weight but never managed to keep it off. My problem is that nobody has successfully changed the way I view food in my life, where it fits, why I have weight issues, where my mental state is, how I actually treat my body. So I may have had a slim body, but I did not have a slim mind.

The first few weeks were very regimented, but I truly found them easy. I had all of the tools to keep track of what I needed to. At the same time we were addressing what role food plays in my life, and how do I really want to treat my body.

I also found the setup of the program very low pressure – we all know what happens if the pressure is too high. There was no weightloss wagon to climb on, I did what I could, made the changes I could and Sebely was really happy with that. And there was no wagon to fall off!

Each week a new component was added to the program. There were many ‘handy hints’ contained in the program which makes it easy to follow. I was taught how to manage eating out, and it was a different approach than I had ever been shown before. It works, is straightforward and therefore easy to do.

The overwhelming advantage of this program is that I was provided with the tools – both mental and physical to make changes to the way I view food, and incorporate it in my life. I also have not been stressed if one week I lost weight and the next I didn’t. I know if I keep to the changes I have made the weight will continue to come off. I also have a very different approach to food, if I have a treat or indulge, is it good for me or my body? How will I feel after I indulge? I think before I eat, and also as I am eating.

I am well on my way to being slim, but the most important thing for me personally is that I have a slim mind. I know what my body deserves – nothing but the best.

So I say thanks to Sebely, and the hours and hours and hours of work she has put it to get this program together.