The Dr Pal Program

There are many so called weight loss experts out there that advocate restrictive diets, rigorous exercise or injecting various hormones to lose weight. These are temporary fixes that may result in rapid weight loss but can cause serious health risks. All these programs end up being doomed to failure as they are too restrictive, too complicated, demand too much exercise, provide few food choices and mostly expect you to be hungry all the time. It is not surprising that nearly everyone reverts back to their old habits and regain the kilos.  This promotes feelings of failure, hopelessness and depression.

Most people have tried many different diets and exercise programs that have promised huge weight loss for the long-term. Unfortunately, much of what they tell you is not proven scientifically and is mostly completely wrong. The population, at large, has been left confused and desperate.

The Dr Pal Program is not a fad diet.

The Dr Pal Program runs over 12 weeks and is solely based on scientific, evidence based, research. The first consult is about 90 mins followed by 9 one hour consults. We take a holistic approach to weight management by examining all the causes of weight gain so that we can treat more effectively and also help improve your physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being. The program mainly focuses on behavioural changes which then lead to other changes in diet and physical activity, and therefore is much easier to follow than traditional weight loss programs.  We help you break the cycle of bad habits, conditioning and behaviours that have accumulated since childhood which ultimately make you overweight. We help you change the way you think and behave ultimately resulting in long-term weight loss.  We make you a weight loss expert by the end of the 12 weeks by educating you with the most up-to-date findings from the world’s leading scientists.

The program is based on satiety (fullness), with the idea that if you feel full you will have more control over what you eat. There are lots of tools on how to do this in the program. We will not ask you to give up anything you don’t want to, especially your favourite foods. If you are denied your favourite foods you will eventually give up and go back to your old habits and that’s not what we want. This is why everyone says the program is easy to follow, we substitute rather than deny.

You are also not expected to do high levels of exercise to lose weight in this program.  We focus on selective fat burning. You will also learn how to increase your metabolism

The program helps you lose and maintain weight without going on a restrictive unsustainable diet. The program is designed to teach you to make a gradual and permanent lifestyle modification that will benefit you, for life. The idea is to gradually lose weight and slowly change your habits because radical changes to your diet and lifestyle are unsustainable, and you will end up reverting back to the old practices. We guide you so that you do not slip back into your bad habits.

Weight loss is not difficult when you are armed with the correct strategies and tools to help you keep feeling full and ensure your metabolism is working at its optimum level.  These tools are unique to the Dr. Pal Program. The Dr Pal Program helps you to get “control of your weight” and not “let your weight control you”.  We will not tell you “what to do” but only “recommend” certain changes. It is up to you how much and what you want to change. There are hundreds of recommendations.  It will be up to you which tips you choose to adopt for yourself. If you don’t think you can do something, you don’t have to.  You can set your own goals with no pressure to achieve them, just progress at your own pace. Small changes produce the biggest results in the long term.

The program is designed to be easy, which is why it works and keeps working for the long-term.

This program is not just for people who are overweight or obese, but also for those who just want an easier way of staying slim it is also designed to make you healthy.

Losing weight can prevent the onset of diabetes, heart disease and all co morbidities associated with obesity. It will help improve your energy levels, the condition of your skin, your self-esteem and your sex life. We set you up for success where other diets and weight loss programs set you up for failure.

You are embarking on a journey that will change your life forever. This is the best chance you have of losing weight and keeping it off for life, so get motivated, get determined and make it happen.

The Cost of Doing Nothing

Research has shown that being obese at 40 can reduce your life by up to 7 years.

That is almost 10% of your life. Not only are you at risk of dying 7 years sooner, unfortunately it also means that for the latter part of your life you will probably suffer from type 2 diabetes which is a horrible disease that requires daily injections just to keep you alive and that eventually leads to blindness and amputation of your feet, legs, hands etc., due to reduced blood supply.

Long before that happens, your knees, hips and back will give you constant pain and you will spend your waking hours tired, devoid of energy, lacking self esteem and probably suffering from depression.

Your risk of stroke, heart disease and cancer are all significantly increased.

Most of our clients class themselves as overweight when they come to us and are shocked to find out that they are actually obese, or worse, morbidly obese. How do you class your weight?

We all know that your health is the most important thing, not only to you but to your friends and family who all suffer when you do. How much do you value your health?

The Dr Pal Program is your chance to turn your life around and start living a healthier, happier and longer life.